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Infographic of the day: What hashtags are used by popular Belarusian TikTokers?


Studying the Influencer Ecosystem and Hashtags of the Popular Belarusian Social Network TikTok

Based on the data from a study on media consumption of the Belarusian internet audience both in the country and abroad, conducted in September-October 2023 by the Digital Skills Coalition and the Belarusian National Platform, TikTok is the most popular social network among the Belarusian internet audience in the country:

First, using the Influencer Analytics platform, we selected accounts with more than 40% of followers from Belarus. We assume that with such a proportion of Belarusian followers, the account can be considered relevant for the Belarusian internet audience.

We collected slightly more than 100 accounts into the dataset. The number of followers ranges from 87,800 to 891,500.
We highlight ten accounts with the largest number of Belarusian followers:

  1. @raidensy 354,557
  2. @rostislav_chepurnoy 279,574
  3. @panusialan 251,865
  4. @gomel.today 246,415
  5. @onegintut 242,633
  6. @bulbanews 197,541
  7. @belarus360 187,723
  8. @zatestilvitebsk 185,018
  9. @zerkalo.io 170,606
  10. @zhanna_lavrova69 168,866

Then, using the TikTok Social Intelligence platform, we analyze the most used hashtags of the selected accounts.

Finally, we generate a word cloud from these hashtags:

From the observation, note that a couple of popular brands in Belarus, representing major players in the marketing and advertising market, have “frozen” the development of their TikTok accounts over the past year.
For example, @megatopshoes, @kfcbyofficial, @a1belarus.

The conducted research confirms that TikTok remains a key platform for the Belarusian internet audience, despite changes in the activity of some brands. The analysis of popular hashtags and accounts provides valuable information for marketers and advertisers, allowing them to better understand the preferences and interests of Belarusian TikTok users.

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