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Voter Guide Toolkit Campaign Leader

Leading a nonpartisan initiative to educate millions of voters for the 2008 election, working in collaboration with leading media and advocacy organizations.

Voter Guide Toolkit is web-based software that enables media and advocacy groups to assemble comprehensive online voters guides and integrate them into their web sites. These voter guides give users side-by-side comparisons of local, state and national candidates on the issues, all accessible by simply entering a street address and zip code. Voter Guide Toolkit has been used in elections since 2001 to help millions of voters make informed decisions.

Your job is to convince media and advocacy organizations to license Voter Guide Toolkit and help them with the process of assembling guides and offering them to their users. This includes:

* MARKETING Getting the word out about how great Voter Guide Toolkit is. This will be primarily by email and telephone, but you will also have a discretionary budget for more creative endeavors.

* SALES Running product demonstrations, following up, and getting people to sign the dotted line! The product is sophisticated and sells itself to those who understand the value of online voter guides. We have no shortage of previous users who love the product (and are willing to say so).

* SERVICE Assisting clients in the use of Voter Guide Toolkit, including answering questions about technology and project planning. Anticipating and addressing problems before they occur.

* STRATEGY Contributing ideas about how to make the program even more successful in the future, including thoughts on new features, new markets, partnerships, and funding.

Previous years clients include CBS Television, Gannett Newspapers, The Chicago Tribune, The Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, The Orlando Sentinel, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Orange County Register, The Detroit News, and many more. The goal for 2008 is to expand this list further, as well as to make new inroads into political advocacy organizations.

You will have primary responsibility for the project, but you will not be working alone. You will report directly to one of the e-thePeople founders, and other members of the organization will be actively involved (though not full-time). e-thePeople is a New York nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of technologies for improving democracy and the political process. Founded in 1999, we also operate a «town hall? political discussion site at www.e-thepeople.org in addition to Voter Guide Toolkit,. Funders of e-thePeople have included the Hewlett Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

— entrepreneurial and unafraid to be unconventional;
— politically engaged but committed to reform above one particular cause or point of view
— approximately 2-5 years of sales, marketing, political campaign, political organizing, or project management experience.
— friendly and comfortable working with clients, but can also «no» when necessary;
— organized and good at handling the occasional crisis; and
— interested in the way technology is changing business, society and the government.

The e-thePeople «office? is virtual so you would need to have a productive work space at your home. Communication with the team is done by email, AIM and phone.

We seek someone immediately available who can commit through December 2008.

Competitive salary plus bonus based on the number of organizations who you get to sign up. You will work as an independent contractor, so there are no health benefits. However, we set a better take-home pay than what you might expect from equivalent positions at non-profits.


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